THE MONA LISA TOUCH is the BEST thing I’ve ever done for myself! It has changed my physical intimacy to a level that I did not realize I could ever regain. I’ve been able to enjoy and sustain a longer and more comfortable sexual experience than I’ve had since I was in my twenties! I did the procedure for this very reason–not really for the man I was with. However, he thought I was foolish for spending the money on this-he told me I had no reason to do it as things were perfectly fine (which they really were for a woman my age), but if I wanted to spend money on “voodoo” “snake oil” procedures then fine. Well, after the first treatment he told me it was really worth the money, that he was glad I had done it, and when was the next appointment for the second treatment! We laugh and talk about this now, and refer to the “Darth Vadar” laser treatments that bring stars and end wars in the bedroom 🙂