Lizellen La Follette, MD
Meet Dr. La Follette
Lizellen La Follette, MD, is a globally recognized, board-certified OB-GYN leader, educator and researcher focused on comprehensive healthcare for women, including birth control options, safe birth, and vaginal birth after cesarean (VBAC) deliveries, along with aging strategies before during and after menopause. Medical advisor and consultant to innovative technology start-ups immersed in improving women’s health, as well as serving on the Board of Trustees of the Buck Institute and as a member of the Buck Institute for Research on Aging’s Global Consortium for Reproductive Longevity & Equality (CRLE). Highlights of recent and current professional activities and roles follow:
- Medical Advisor and Researcher—Randomized Edifice Health Controlled Study focused on inflammatory age biomarkers and immune health improvement using state-of -the-art ‘omics’ platforms and advanced artificial intelligence methods. Study’s mission is to decode inflammatory health and optimize immune health with targeted intervention.
- Member and Researcher—Global Consortium for Reproductive Longevity & Equality at the Buck Institute for Research on Aging
- Medical Advisor and Researcher—Sera Prognostics’ PreTRM®: a medical assay to determine preterm labor risk early enough for intervention.
- Infertility Medical Advisor—Jubel,Health
- Antepartum Postpartum Medical Advisor—Fovi Health
- Medical Advisory Board Member—
- Medical Advisor—March of Dimes (2014-2018)
- Professional Honoree—Etincelle Montpellier Cancer Retreat
- Medical Advisor and Consultant –Clue Period and Cycle Tracker App
- Physician Member—Sutter Health OB Quality Initiative (formerly FPAD) focused on improving first pregnancy outcomes for mother and infant