Aging often comes with a new set of worries when it comes to your skin. Whether you’re worried about visible wrinkles, menopause, or anything in between, it’s important to find the right solutions to your skin concerns. Fortunately, technology has come a long way, and we’re able to address a lot of the worries that come with aging. Here are our favorite laser treatments for all the things you want to treat:
Stretch marks and wrinkles
An inevitable part of getting older, it can feel scary to see your skin changing. Get ahead of it by treating stretch marks and wrinkles as they appear with the ICON laser.
The ICON laser machine relies on ablative fractional laser technology to deliver energy deep into the skin and stimulate collagen and elastin growth. When the heat is delivered to the deeper layers of your skin, the old skin cells are destroyed, and your body’s natural healing process kicks in. Aged, stretched and wrinkled skin is replaced by younger, and healthier skin.
Let this non-invasive laser treatment transform you into the you that you want to be.
Vaginal dryness and itching
Menopause and the symptoms that come along with it may be taboo to talk about it, but we’re not shying away. Vaginal dryness and itching is a common issue that many women suffer from following the onset of menopause: but you don’t have to. MonaLisaTouch is a revolutionary laser treatment that restores vaginal health and relieves the common conditions of dryness, itching, and irritation. The heat from the laser increases blood flow and stimulates the mucous membranes of the vagina which in turn leads to a self-healing process that increases collagen production, leaving you feeling like a new you.
Skin imperfections
As we age, so does our skin. Not only does it get thinner, but oftentimes we acquire lesions and age spots as well. If you’re self-conscious about visible veins and age spots, the Syneron eMax laser is the perfect solution. A versatile cosmetic laser, it uses bipolar radiofrequency (RF) and optical energy to rejuvenate the skin. The combined energy heats the deeper layers of the skin, to create micro-injuries that allow for lesion destruction. Similarly, the RF is absorbed by the blood cells in the veins, which generates heat that destroys the blood vessel leaving your skin vein-free.
Nearly 80% of all women have cellulite: it’s perfectly normal. As we age and our skin loses elastin, cellulite can increase and become more noticeable. Still, many women find themselves losing confidence in their body because of it. Luckily there’s TempSure Envi. While not technically a laser, this device is an RF treatment that works to tighten skin, thus reducing the appearance of cellulite. By increasing the skin’s temperature, the device will trigger a natural response for your skin to create new, firm, collagen fibers, smoothing the skin and minimizing that “cottage cheese” look.
Age with the grace you want. For the best OB-GYN and aesthetic services in Greenbrae, CA, give us a call at (415) 461-1949. We look forward to seeing you!