Patient Safety And COVID-19
These are difficult times. We remain on the front lines and will daily support our patients with safe deliveries of babies. We are doing our best to not be a vector for COVID-19. To that end, we have minimized patient contact to only essential visits, mostly full-term Moms and urgent issues. However, by virtue of our daily hospital interactions, we remain at risk. Daily we continue to institute the most stringent of measures.
Like many of you, our business is based on seeing and treating patients. Volume has intentionally dropped to less than 10% of our usual business. We are trying to capture some of it with telehealth. Despite that, I am committed to paying my staff during this trying time. I have updated our wonderful skincare line information on the website. We can send you a product or leave it at our door for those of you who want to purchase from this fabulous line.
We are here for you so reach out if you need help and we can at least give you a virtual AIR HUG. Lots of love and understanding that these are unprecedented times and we will do our best to serve you.